I am a christian
When I say ...'' I am a christian
I am not shouting '' I AM CLEAN LIVING''
I'M whispering '' i was lost''
Now I'M found and forgiven.
When I say ...'' I'M Christian''
I don't speak of this with pride
and need christ to be my guide.
When I say ...'' I'M a christian"
I'M not trying to be strong
I'm professing that I'M WEAK
When I say...'' I'M a christian"
I'M not bragging of success
I'M admitting I have failed
And need God to clean my mess
When I say...'' I'M a christian ''
I'm not claming to be perfect
My flows are too visible far
But,God believess I am worth it
When I say ...'' I'M a christian''
I still feel the sting of pain
I have my share of heartaches
so I call upon His name
When I say...'' I'M a christian''
I 'M not holier than thou
I'M just a simple sinner
Who recieved God's good grace, SOMEHOW..
Prayer is basically talking with God. It is simply expressing your heart and spending time with Him. It is not a one way activity, God speaks, we listen, we speak and God listens to our hearts. Prayer can be exciting, powerful and fulfilling.
I am going to be focusing mostly on intercession, but I also wanted to provide an overview on other types of prayer that will hopefully inspire you to pursue your own personal study on this subject.
Types of Prayer
A. ThanksgivingB. Petition
C. Prevailing
D. Intercession
A. Thanksgiving - Giving thanks to God for all things in your life. We are commanded to give thanks in all circumstances. Being thankful is being grateful for his protection, provision, blessing, and most of all for his Son.
B. Petition - We ask God for the specific things we need in our life. Give us our daily bread. Give us the things we need to survive, a roof over our heads, employment etc. Petitions are usually self orientated, presenting our personal needs to our Heavenly Father, in trust that He will provide. Be specific in your petitions, pray in details and not in generalities.
C. Prevailing Prayer - fervent consistent insistent prayer until a breakthrough takes place, whether in your personal life, or for someone else (intercession). Example Believing for emotional or physical healing.
Biblical Example: Luke 18:1-8.(NIV) Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: "In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, `Grant me justice against my adversary.' "For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, `Even though I don't fear God or care about men, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won't eventually wear me out with her coming!'" And the Lord said, "Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?"
D Intercession - Love on its knees in prayer, for others. Pleading on behalf of the needs of someone else. Standing in the gap, that is, praying prayers of repentance, etc., identifying yourself with the sins of those for which you are in prayer.
Biblical Example: Nehemiah, a godly man, identified with the sins of his people, praying prayers of repentance, asking the Lord to forgive and to have mercy and to raise up once again the nation of Israel.
Confirmation of Conversion
Reading: John 3:1-16
"If any one is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things
have passed away; behold, all things have become new" (2 Cor 5:17)
Can we identify a genuine experience of salvation? Surely yes!
First of all, there will be the true peace and joy through the Holy Spirit in the heart! When we make peace with God we have the peace of God. Jesus called it the peace the world cannot give (Jn 14:27). The burden of sin is rolled away! Guilt is gone! The converted man is overflowing with gratitude to God. He shouts with exuberance, "Thank you, Lord, thank You!" If over one sinner who repents there is great joy among the angels "in Heaven," will the angels "on earth" around him stay unmoved (Lk 15:10)?
Secondly, the converted man begins to hate sin and the evil ways of the world. The sinful acts he was indulging in during the past so willingly appear obnoxious to him now. The joy of the Lord has replaced the silly pleasures of sin. This does not mean he will never ever commit any sin. Before getting saved he was like a pig; he would be wallowing in the mire! Now he is a lamb. Even if someone pushes the lamb into the mire, it will atonce jump out and not stay there. Have you understood the difference? A child of God will not "live" in sin!
Thirdly, the saved man begins to love Bible meditation, prayer and fellowship of God's children. It is no more the routine of reading the Bible for a few minutes as a religious custom, but a delightful desire to spend hours in meditating it (Psa 1:2). Prayer becomes his very breath. Earlier he had not known God. But now he knows God as his Father. Hence this longing to speak to Him! He begins to feel and appreciate the love of God who has redeemed him (1 Jn 3:1). Fellowship with saints is necessary to comprehend the width, length, depth and height of that love (Eph 3:18).
Fourthly, those who are saved will walk in love with others (1 Jn 3:14). They will restitute matters with the wronged (Mt 5:23,24). Loving the enemies, the persecutors and the opposers is a proof of our being children to a God of love (Mt 5:43-48).
Fifthly, the saved man will just be anxious to share his new-found joy with others (Jn 4:28,29; Mk 5:19). "Let the world get the joy I got!"- This will be his motto.
More about Jesus would I know,More of His grace to others show;
More of His saving fullness see;
More of His love-who died for me!
(Eliza E. Hewitt, 1851-1920)
Letter From Hell. - Scary but true
God has a plan for every man
God may have designed u to be someone great or planned for u to be a regular guy.Becoming the latter may not sound very inspiring but an ordinary man serving God is extraordinary indeed.God often uses common people to achieve mighty things.The work of God has in mind for u may run the gamut from everyday good deeds to outstanding great works.Its all important to God.Any life lived for His purpose is highly significant.
Growing christianity in india - recent development in few parts
Tirumala Tirupati Devasthanams (TTD), which runs the richest temple in the country, will hand out one-gram of gold to poor families to keep them from converting to other religions।
A Christian television channel with emphasis on evangelism will be launched in the State with the blessings of Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhar Reddy, who is a practising Protestant Christian.
According to a report in the vernacular daily Andhra Jyothi plans are afoot to construct a church up in Tirumala when there are already seven churches in Tirupati. The report alleged that the AP Chief Minister, Dr Y Samuel Rajasekhara Reddy, a convert to Christianity, was providing all the government support for building the new church. The government controls the management of the temples in Tirupati and Tirumala through the TTD Trust.Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhar Reddy has decided to sanction grant-in-aid to old churches for repairs. Similarly, grant-in-aid would be sanctioned to new churches. He is the first chief minister to take the decision to give a facelift to abandoned churches. State Government has issued a specific GO Ms No. 21, stating that Rs. 80,000 will be sanctioned to each church for repair and renovation purposes, and Rs.1.50 lakh for constructing a church in the shape of grant-in-aid.
In Christian Dominated Kerala, Hindus will be a minority in the 25 years
despite the fact that Hindus enjoyed a majority status in the country, the census suggested that soon it might reduce to a minority in many parts of the country due to various factors. In fact, Kerala might be the first victim where the Hindus would become minority by the turn of 2030, as, at present, they were majority by just three percent, he claimed.
A large number of Kashmiris have converted to Christianity in recent years. It is not a hidden fact that conversions are taking place regularly across the valley, though the numbers are debatable in the absence of an authentic census. A survey in the valley, particularly in Srinagar, reveals that around a dozen Christian missions and churches.On the one hand, a 0.2 million strong Hindu Pandit population has been reduced to a mere 6,000 scattered individuals following a mass exodus in 1990. On the other, an entirely new phenomenon - the conversion of Muslims to Christianity - has cropped up. It is being estimated that the Christian population in the valley has increased from a mere 650 people (according to the 1981census) to something to the tune of 13,000.
Former Australia skipper Steve Waugh is planning to set up a Christian township in Mumbai।
The VHP functionary expressed concern over religious conversion and claimed that more than eight lakh Hindus were being converted annually all over the country.
How Can I Develop an Intimate Relationship with God?
* A. Spend Time with the Lord, daily.
* B. Study the Word of God
* C. Worship
* D. Repentance
* E. Practice the Presence of the Lord
A. Spend Time with the Lord, daily.
In any earthly relationship, the way to develop relationship with someone is to spend time with them. Intimate relationships are born by learning to trust. Being open and vulnerable and being willing to show all of your heart invites intimacy. To be intimate is to be willing to show all that is in your heart to the person. To be an intimate friend of God, you need to be able to pour out your heart to Him, sharing the most intimate details of your life, your hopes, your dreams and your very heart with Him.
Prov. 17:17 (NIV) A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
This scripture not only applies to God's heart toward us, but it should be our stance toward the Lord. Our hearts should long to be with Him no matter what the circumstance. As His people, We are to love Him and be His friend first. From that base of intimacy, we can pray effectively.If our prayer life consists only of petition and intercession, it can lead to anger and frustration. If prayer is not answered in the speed that we wish it to be answered, we can become bitter and resentful toward God. However, If we grow to know God, a delayed prayer will only be an opportunity to pray again. Spending much time with the Lord is one of the only methods to truly know His ways, and not just His acts. Knowing God leads to resting in the assurance of His ultimate goodness, despite the circumstances we see around us.
To be in intimate relationship with God is to make Him number one in our lives, above all others, and above all else.
Matt 10:37
"Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me;
Ask the Lord to show you any idols in your lives that would be number one instead of Him. These idols can take the form of family, friends, ministry, work or even personal dreams .
B. We get to know Him through the study of the word of God, in prayer.
As you daily study His word, you will soon get to know His will, His ways and His heart, which will give you keys to know how to pray. When you understand the way He moves in the lives of people, you can pray prayers that line up to His will. Psalm 119 is a wonderful passage to meditate upon, as it tells us the rewards of studying His word.
C. As we worship the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, He births intimacy in our hearts.
In worship, we are lavishing all our attention and affections toward Him.
Worship cleanses you from the "dirt" you pick up as you walk your everyday life by just living in an unsaved world.
A good anointed worship time refreshes and revives you. It speaks to your spirit the truth about God and His power. To be an effective intercessor, you must be awake in your spirit. Worship will awaken and sharpen your spirit to be in tune with the will of the Lord.
D. Repentance
Ask the Lord to search your heart, and to show you if there be any wicked way in it. The Lord is faithful to show us our motivations and secret desires. Keep a short account with the Lord.
1 John 1:8-9 (NIV)
If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.
If you know there are wounds from hurts you have received, allow the Lord to heal those areas as you forgive and receive forgiveness and healing. If you find it hard to hear from God, ask Him to show blockages or walls in your own life that are hindering you from receiving and giving to the Lord. Some blockages are unforgiveness, unconfessed sin, disobedience, wounds and hurts.
To pray effectively, pray out of a pure heart, so you don't pray in bitterness, anger and judgment.
Prayers prayed out of impure motives are sometimes known as soulful prayers. They are usually not very effective. When the Lord begins to show us things to pray for and our hearts are free from unconfessed sin and judgments toward others, we can pray without prejudice.
Intercession is front line spiritual warfare. It is essential that you pray for protection for yourself and your family as you enter into intercession. Sin can provide an open door for the enemy to attack us. If, when you pray for others, you find things falling apart in your own life, ask the Lord to search your heart and show you any doors left open because of your own sin, or sin against you.
E. Practice the Presence of God.
Practice just "being with God." Just enjoy each others company. Sometimes, just sitting with the Lord in silence can bring deep communion and refreshment to your spirit, soul and body. An earthly example of this sort of "being", would be a loving couple who have been married for years. They do not have to say a word to each other yet a glance or a smile can pass on deep intimacy and "knowing."
You don't always have to be talking to Him. You don't always have to be expecting heavy revelation from heaven, in prayer, you can just enjoy being with Him.
Part of practicing the presence of God is to understand he is with you always. It is a biblical fact and is not based on your emotions.
Deut 31:6 (NIV)
Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.
"The presence of God is there all the time. Learning to know He is there, however, will take time and patience. Just drink in His love for in the presence of God, fear cannot reside, anxiety cannot reside, heaviness cannot abide. You need to learn to tune into His presence, it is always there, but we need to practice becoming aware of it.